Effective Tips For Training Your New Dog
ShareA dog that is poorly behaved can be a threat to itself and others. Unfortunately, many dog owners will fail to appreciate the need to effectively train their animals so that they can keep it under control.
Be Consistent With Your Dog's Name
Choosing a name for your new dog can be a challenge, and it is a common mistake for dog owners to refer to their animals with a variety of different names. This can be extremely confusing to the animal, and it can present problems as it can make it harder to get the animal to respond to its name when you call. During instances where you need to quickly gain control over the animal, this can be an extremely problematic issue. For this reason, you should settle on a name for your dog fairly quickly so that it can have the name reinforced from an early age.
Quickly Address Behavior Lapses
Even the best-behaved dog is likely to have lapses in its behavior. When this occurs, it is imperative for the owner to respond by quickly disciplining the animal. Failing to discipline the dog quickly can lead to the animal assuming that the behavior will be tolerated. Additionally, disciplining the animal too late after the fact can be confusing as it will be unsure as to why the discipline is occurring.
Enroll In Dog Obedience Training
Obedience training is one of the best ways to bond with your animal while also teaching it to be better behaved and more easily controlled. Individuals often assume that attending these classes will be difficult due to them being lengthy and spread out over many months. However, it is common for these courses to be structures in short sessions that occur once or twice a week. Additionally, there are mini obedience training courses that may be completed in a single day.
Regularly Teach Your Dog New Tricks
It can be easy for dog owners to forget that their pet is an extremely intelligent animal. When dogs lack mental stimulation they can be more difficult to control as they may start looking for ways to stay engaged. One way to combat this is to regularly work to teach your dog new tricks. In addition to helping you to learn to more effectively control your dog, this can also allow for an outlet that satisfies your dog's need for mental stimulation. Furthermore, this will allow for your dog to show off its tricks to friends and loved ones.